Sunday, April 14, 2013

Give and Take

Beauty, in its very nature, gives.  Think about this in terms of creation: iridescent sunsets create awe, an ocean breeze refreshes, and a magnificent mountaintop reminds us of the wonder of life.  If this is true, then I am afraid there is a paradox taking place. This is a paradox so unnoticed, unidentified, and so "normal" one would even question if it is a problem.  It is in the nature of a woman. Now, I am not saying women themselves are the paradox (though some men may disagree). It lies in the fact that beauty, in and of itself, is supposed to give, and a woman is the very essence or escalation of the definition of beauty; so why then is she, of all the beautiful creations, the one that uses this nature so often as a means to...take?

It is true, our beauty has the ability to draw men, inspire others, and make us feel "alive".  The world is in awe of a beautiful woman. Who would disagree life itself is enriched because of what we hold?  But when is this "gift" we possess used as a means for our own gain?  Though beauty draws men, do we use it to seduce them and fill a need? Has it been our avenue to gain approval from others or show a false security? Women, your beauty is powerful.  With it you can give or you can take.

In Proverbs you will find two women who display this principle.  Proverbs 7, reveals a woman who used her dress (vs.10), attitude (vs. 13), and words (vs. 3) to entice and take.  Though, with her actions, she seems to want to "give" (vs. 14 "I have peace offerings with me."), all her actions were for her own pleasure.  But, the famous Proverbs 31 woman unfolds a very different woman.  Though, we do not hear much about her outer beauty, the very essence she carries as a woman reveals great beauty from within. Proverbs 31:10b says, "...her worth is far above rubies." What woman wouldn't want that said of them? Every verse in this chapter reveals a woman that uses her womanhood as a means to give to others.  Her life enriches and enhances others. And verse 30b says, "...she shall be praised."  (Hmm...maybe approval doesn't come from trying to get it from others but from giving to them.)

So ladies, this is our beauty challenge.  Who will you be this week?  With each action... will you give or will you take?


  1. Powerful Ker...Loved reading this for my devos to be enriched and encouraged!!
